Archive for October, 2012

October 26, 2012

Big Dog, Little Dog

One of the really fascinating things about working with Salesforce is the depth and breadth of companies that use their products. I’ve been lucky enough to work with organizations of all sizes, both through employment and volunteer work that I have done. I’ve discovered small mom & pop companies using Salesforce to deliver amazing service to their growing customer based, and also seen how Fortune 500 companies are using the cloud to transform the way they do business.

Credit to

This highlights one of my favorite things about the Salesforce product suite – some may call it scalability, but I prefer to say the elasticity of their products. And small businesses are still the heart of their customer base. Every year at Dreamforce, Marc asks how many people are there from companies of less than 1000 employees. In my six years of attending, there was only 1 year that I didn’t raise my hand for that question. And if you look around that huge room, you’ll see that I’m not alone.

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October 19, 2012

Honey, it’s cold outside!

Once again, release time is upon us. (And I have to say, the logo picked for Winter 13 is pretty freaking adorable!)

Click through for the release notes!

One of my favorite things that I get to do with this blog is share all the updates that I’m excited about with each release. Now I know that Salesforce is most excited about Touch going GA, but I think that there are a lot of great little nuggets in this release that are more impactful. Here we go!

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October 5, 2012

Dreamforce Debrief

Two weeks later, and I feel like I’m finally back in a routine. That’s what Dreamforce does to me. The weeks leading up to it are filled with anticipation and excitement, and then afterwards, it takes me two weeks to digest and absorb everything that I learned. It’s a bit crazy if you think about it.

So what did I learn?

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